Daily habits for
maintaining cognitive health

Anyone can have cognitive health issues,
but not with Silvia.

Download the app
Fun and sustainable dementia prevention solutions

Many people are already taking care of their brain health with Silvia, so why not try a few small habits to make a big difference?

Department of Health and Human Services, Dementia
Non-Medical Health Management Service Certification
Listing in the Alzheimer's Association
Publication of 2 SCI-Quality Papers
Google Play "Window Program
Selected as Top 3
Fun and sustainable dementia prevention solutions

Many people are already taking care of their brain health with Silvia, so why not try a few small habits to make a big difference?

Department of Health and Human Services, Dementia
Non-Medical Health Management Service Certification
Listing in the Alzheimer's Association
Publication of 2 SCI-Quality Papers
Google Play "Window Program
Selected as Top 3
If you're worried about your brain health,
is an easy and convenient way to check your status and start personalizing your care.

Predicting the risk of developing dementia

Answer a short questionnaire and we'll analyze
your potential dementia risk factors and give you a dementia risk index.

Take charge of your brain health
so you can lower your chances of developing dementia.

Systematic Brain Health Course

personalized activity recommendations

Dementia is largely preventable.
Experience your own personalized program at
that includes cognitive training, muscle exercise, and diet and sleep management.

*Based on the world's first dementia prevention study, the Finnish FINGER STUDY

Remote expert video screening

Take the no-pressure
cognitive function test

Our expert clinical psychologists will use the same testing tools as hospitals to thoroughly check for
cognitive abnormalities.

Talk to an
expert and get tested at a location of your choice, with no pressure.

*MMSE, MOCA Assessment

Worried all by yourself?

Find out your dementia risk factors and prepare for dementia with
everyday care.

Check it out now
There are also features such as

Silvia is enough

We provide 9 free self-assessments to check your physical and mental health.
Expert questions and answers
We can help you make healthy lifestyle choices and manage your medications to prevent dementia.
Lifestyle management
Experts in the field of cognitive function and dementia offer solutions and tips on what to do.
Try it for yourself

The brain health app of choice for over 70,000 people

I installed it for my parents,
They're really good at it.
I like that it supports large letters too :) I'm glad you're having so much fun training your brain!
I think it's great for dementia prevention, too.


I don't like going to the doctor,
and I was curious to see how I was doing, but after my checkup with Silvia, I feel all better.
Knowing that my daily habits can affect the development of dementia has completely
changed my life. I'm going to take good care of my brain from now on.


I have a family history of dementia, so I'm trying to get ahead of it. Maybe it's because I'm using my unused brain, but
seems to be working.
I've been tested and found to have low brain activity, so I'm consciously playing a lot of dementia prevention games to keep my brain active.


As I got over 50, I was worried because I was blinking a lot and my memory was not the same as before. My daughter installed it for me, so I tried it, and it's easy to do and it's so fun and good :)_ It's good for using your brain and makes you keep thinking. It seems to be a good app for preventing dementia.


I've been forgetting things more and more, but
I just put it down to my age.
When I couldn't remember my home password, I was scared and thought I should do something about it, but I think my memory has improved a lot with Silvia. I think I can prevent dementia if I manage 10 minutes before going to sleep every day.

@JH OE **

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The first step in protecting your precious brain health.
Experience Silvia's personalized, science-based care.

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